About us

Nordisk Sprengstoffhund AS ble etablert i 2021 og holder til i Bjørnafjorden kommune, sør for Bergen. NSH har spesialisert seg på søkshunder og påtar seg profesjonelle oppdrag med sprengstoffhunder. NSH har ti operative sprengstoffhunder og fem hundeførere som er klare til oppdrag for entreprenører og bergsprengere i hele landet, for å detektere sivilt udetonert sprengstoff på anleggsplasser, veier og tunneler.

NSH is approved by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration as a supplier to search for explosives with a dog.

NSH is approved as an apprenticeship company in animal science and has at any given time employed one or more apprentices.

NSH har sommeren 2024 inngått samarbeid med Xtrace as for opplæring av minehunder og personell for oppdrag i Ukraina og Aserbajdsjan.

Our team

NSH is led by Rune Fjellanger, who has 40 years of experience in pioneering search dog work:

  • 10 years of experience in improving methods for training and use of minesweepers and preparation of the International Standard for Mine Dogs (IMAS)

  • Long experience from research projects where the dog's sense of smell has been used to identify corrosion on platforms and research on lung cancer

  • Trains operational detection dogs with high demands on reliability

  • Trains detection dog handlers and trainers

  • More about Rune Fjellanger

Dog handlers

NSH har per i dag fem operative hundeførere. Våre hundeførere har solid hundefaglig bakgrunn og erfaring i søkshund arbeid.

Has passed Fjellanger Hundesenter's professional training and search dog certificate.

Have extensive experience (can document at least 2 years of professional experience) in practical dog work with search dogs/service dogs/working dogs or other relevant practical dog experience.

Dog handlers also have:

  • Completed HSE course for the construction industry or HSE course related to the customer

  • HSE card for the construction industry

  • Completed work warning course

Service dogs

NSH har syv sprengstoffhunder klare til oppdrag og flere aspiranter klar til arbeid ila. 2024.

Hundene har solid sprengstoffkompetanse og er trent i ulike typer søk. Vi bruker flere hunderaser til vårt arbeid:

  • Belgisk Fårehund - Malinois

  • jakt Springer Spaniel

  • jakt Cocker Spaniel

  • jakt Labrador Retriever

For mer info om tjenesten og hundenes kompetanse trykk her.

Our team

  • Rune


    Cand. Scient. Physiology with the dog's sense of smell as a specialty

    Worked with minesweepers on behalf of the UN for 10 years

    R&D projects nationally and internationally for the last 20 years

    Started own vocational education and higher education in detection dog work

  • Line

    Dog handler


    Vocational education and Search dog certificate at Fjellanger Hundesenter

    2 års arbeid ved FDTA analyselaboratorier i forbindelse med FoU-prosjekter.

    Hundefører for Fjellanger Detection and Training Academy (FDTA) med sprengstoffhund fra 2019 - 2021, og videreført dette engasjementet hos NSH frem til i dag.

  • Thea

    Dog handler

    Vocational certificate in animal science

    Nature use with immersion dog

    Vocational education and Search dog certificate at Fjellanger Hundesenter

    6 års ansettelse ved Fjellanger Hundesenter – trener/instruktør

    Works at FDTA analysis laboratories in connection with R&D projects

  • Tor Wilhelm

    Dog handler

    University College of Norwegian Correctional Service (1992)

    Vocational education and Search dog certificate at Fjellanger Hundesenter

    19.5 years as a drug dog handler in the Prison and Probation Service

    4 years as a dog handler in Norwegian Rescue Dogs

    3.5 years as a dog handler in the Home Guard

  • Sondre

    Dog handler

    Vocational certificate in animal science

    1.5 years as an apprentice at Nordisk Sprengstoffhund

    1.5 years as a dog handler in the Armed Forces

    Vocational training at Fjellanger Dog Centre

    Nature use with immersion dog