
Explosive detection dogs and the olfactory system

Goldblatt, A., Gazit, I., Grinstein, D. & Terkel, J. (2011) The Olfactory System and Olfaction: Implications for REST; in Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) Remote Explosive Scent Tracking REST. Available at: link

Lazarowski, L. & Dorman, DC (2013) Explosives detection by military working dogs: Olfactorygeneralization from components to mixtures, Applied Animal Behavior Science, 151, 84-93. Available at: link

Oxley, JC & Wagoner, LP (2008) Detection of Explosives by Dogs; in Marshall M, Oxley JC, editors. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier. pp. 27–38. 38.

Williams, M., Johnston, JM, Cicoria, M., et al. (1998) Canine detection odor signatures for explosives, Proceedings Volume 3575, Enforcement and Security Technologies. Available at: link

Toxicology: Explosives

Voie, Ø.A. (2005) Toxicological and chemical properties of explosives and components in ammunition, FFI Report. Available at: link

Mine detection dogs

Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), (2003), Mine detection Dogs: Training, Operations and Odor Detection . Available at: link

Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), (2011), Remote Explosive Scent Tracing (REST) . Available at: link

Fjellanger, R., Andersen, EK & McLean, IG (2002) A Training Program for Filter-Search Mine Detection Dogs. International Journal of Comparative Psychology , 15, 277-286. Available at: link

Fjellanger, R., McLean, IG & Bach, H. (2003) REST in Bosnia: A Pilot Test of Detection Capability, Research, Development and Technology in Mine Action, (7.3). Available at: link

Corrosion under insulation (CUI)

Schoon, A., Fjellanger, R., Kjeldsen, M. & Goss, KU. (2014) Detecting Corrosion Under Insulation Using Trained Dogs: a Novel Approach, Materials Evaluation , 72 (2). Available at: link

Schoon, A., Fjellanger, R., Kjeldsen, M. & Goss, KU. (2014) Using dogs to detect hidden corrosion, Applied Animal Behavior Science, 153, 43-52. Available at: link

Lung cancer

Read more here: Health Bergen link , Fjellanger link

Norwegian Defense Research Establishment (FFI)

Karsrud, TE, Falsten, V. & Flesjø, K. (2019) Development and use of dogs for searching for explosives - final report, FFI Report. Available at: link

Karsrud, TE, Falsten, V., Opstad, AM & Røen, BT (2018) Characterization of dynamites detected by dogs - annual report for 2017, FFI Report. Available at: link

Karsrud, TE, Falsten, V., Flesjø, K., Opstad, A. M, Røen, BT (2018) Development and use of dogs for searching for explosives - annual report for 2017, FFI Report. Available at: link

Karsrud, TE & Falsten, V. (2017) Development and use of dogs for searching for explosives - annual report for 2016, FFI Report. Available at: link